Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happenings in Simplegalville...

I'm back, albeit one day later than I was supposed to be, with my lil update...I have a lot on my mind, but this 8:00 till whenever work schedule is killing me!

Where to start? I guess I'll start by saying I got my MCAT results back, not a great improvement, but the fact that I improved at all has really helped boost my confidence, and I'm in the process of finishing up my applications for this cycle. God willing, I shall be in Med school next year, Amen! Sting has been really nice to me too, making out the time to reply my e-mails, with great words of encouragement too!

My family made it over to the States, and I'm busy planning my [very brief] visit; Unfortunately work constraints won't permit a long visit now. I just want to see my family, it's been 5 years for goodness sake! I've been blowing up the house phone and I can't wait to see everyone :)

Speaking of work, started my new job last month; Love it so far, except for the presence of one incredibly annoying smug miss know-it-all, and the fact that 70% of my colleagues don't seem to grasp the concept of personal space. That's a story for another day.

I'm trying to deal with a crazy pathological liar of a friend; Her story is one that takes a bit to tell, so I'll be back with that. I actually need advice with that one. Speaking of crazy people, you'll never guess who came to add me as a friend on Facebook! Remember Bolo? I was so surprised to find a friend request from her. I refused to add her; I know it's been a while since the incident, but I'm only human, and I'm still annoyed with her, sue me. The fact that she's been running her mouth about me to other people (whom I guess she doesn't realize are my friends as well) wasn't exactly helping either.

(Now that I think about it, I need to continue with my Boarding school stories as well, hmmn....)

Well that's all I got for now...I gotta be at work at 7:30 tomorrow and I need to go get some shuteye. I'm dead tired!

Nodi nu ofuma.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm back!

Blogsville, a nam ekene unu o! I'm back after my very long hiatus, and I apologize for being away for so long.

This is a very short note; I'll be back later tonight maybe or tomorrow to truly update.

Have a great evening y'all!