Friday, January 27, 2012

It Ain't Easy...

The title of what used to be one of my fave Tupac songs is a wonderful representation of how I feel about life right about now. [By the way, did I ever tell you I used to be a big Tupac fans...okay so I started because I was copying my big bro, and then I started relating to some of the lyrics...what can I say, I was an interesting teenager on the DL. Okay end Side note].

I'm back to the craziness, and man has the time been flying! This unit is the craziest one so far...who knew those little kidneys could cause so much craziness and hold such a wealth of information? Add in the fact that I have my microbiology (truly the devil's own subject) shelf exams 2 days after my unit exam, and I'm just weak. Na who send me??!!

I just registered for my step 1 exam, so now I have a date, and I'm trying really hard not to freak myself completely. I need prayers y'all!

It hasn't been all crazy of my classes has a lot of clinical experience built in, so sometimes it's good to get away from the books. i had urology yesterday, and it was quite interesting....more than I thought it woud be. Apart from an awkward moment with one patient and seeing a traumatizing manifestion of elephantiasis (it's a urology clinic, try to imagine where the swelling and edema was...this was just not right...I will tell you when next I blog), it seems like something I wouldn't mind doing.

I have the best roommate ever! I enjoy just having times when I need to relax, and she's very good at talking with me and just helping me get my mind of the craziness! Her man-crazy imagination/ways make me laugh *smh* I must tell you about this at some point. The family is more peaceful too these days, so that's good too. My support system is more awesome than ever at the moment, and I love it!

I realize I have been rambling...honestly I'm in a class that I have to been in, but I can't focus, and I dunno what's he's talking about so I decided to update =)

I should be back with some thing more organized at some future date!

Jishi nu ike my people!