Wednesday, July 7, 2010

You know what I cannot stand?

People who don't know to stfu. i hate people who constantly feel the need to belittle other people constantly, and feel like they are better than all others. Who died and made you god?

What is even more annoying is the fact that said people in question only have perceived ''great qualities''

Seriously, if you have nothing good to say, SHUT THE HELL UP!! Mschew. This is just a mini-rant. Full rant coming soon.


Miss Natural said...

lol figured out the mobile blogging site? I really like your blog...oh yeah, about the post holier than thou people suck!

simplegal said...

Thanks Miss Natural! Yeah, I finally figured out mobile blogging, and it's the best thing (blogging-wise) that has happened to me :)
I just had to vent sanctimonious coworkers were getting on my nerves!

Thanks for visiting my blog =)

Anonymous said...

Then, i shall wait for the full rant.