Saturday, October 18, 2008

No title for this post...just a little quick note.

I got my MCAT results on Tuesday...basically, I won't be going to med school next year. I got a 24L...not exactly competitive, especially as an international student with limited options. Currently, I'm trying to figure out what to do in my downtime (apart from rewriting my MCAT, that is). Any one know of any good postbac programs that take international students? Please let me know.

Throughout this week, I've been thinking a lot. Thinking about my future, thinking about my current existence, thinking about my past. Thinking about friendships that seem to be waning...Thinking about the little skeletons that had been hiding previously, but seem to be playing peek-a-boo in my mind. Confronting some of my fears...and letting God reassure me! I'm not depressed...more like I'm in a state of deep contemplation.

I'll be back to update soon....just as soon as I get out of this contemplative funk. Could be tomorrow, could be a month from today; I just want to stop this trend of sad posts.

Sai anjuma.


Zena said...

Hope you'll be fine babes

Everything will be alright


Original Mgbeke said...

Awww, pele my sister! MCAT no easy at all, a bunch of my friends re-took. You can try a Masters in Public health, they do take international students.
Come back and update soon and keep your head up mama!

simplegal said...

Thank you both!

@Zena: I'm doing fine now, just had to go through that phase of depression

@Original Mgbeke: Thank you! I've realized that a post bac program is not really an option right now, coz I just can't afford it. I'm prolly just gonna do my OPT...It is well!

bumight said...

i just stumbled on this post. 24L i agree is not competitive for some schools, but it can get you in some good schools.